When Reddit Breaks the Internet: 5 True Stories That Will Shock and Disgust You

From rotting coconuts to festering shoeboxes, these real-life tales are as horrifying as they are hilarious. Prepare to be amazed at the depraved depths of the human mind.

The Curiosity Gap
5 min readApr 15, 2024

The car swerved violently, and I lurched forward in my seat. My boyfriend slammed on the brakes. “Are you okay?” he asked, a sheen of sweat on his forehead. I nodded shakily, my heart racing. That was close, too…



The Curiosity Gap

We are a passionate team of freelancers writing for the most curious minds. 👩‍💻👨🏾‍💻 🧑‍💻👩🏻‍💻👩🏾‍💻