The Art and Science of Making a Great First Impression

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Within seconds of meeting you, people are already making judgments about your personality, your likeability, and your competence.

The Curiosity Gap
6 min readApr 13, 2024
Illustration created with Midjourney

While that may sound daunting, by understanding the subtle art and science of first impressions, you can learn to authentically put your best foot forward every time.

The Power of Body Language

Illustration created with Midjourney

Before you even open your mouth, your body language is already speaking volumes.

Studies show that nonverbal cues have over four times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say.

The key is to adopt an open posture. Uncross your arms, keep your shoulders back and down, and hold your head high. This conveys confidence and approachability. Aim your heart directly at the person you’re speaking to, as this subconsciously signals that you’re engaged and trustworthy.



The Curiosity Gap

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